
The EU requires all companies, but also institutions including churches, to have a UBO declaration, which must be in the UBO register. The UBO register is required for all organisations that are registered in the Netherlands. The purpose of the UBO register is to counter financial-economic crime. UBO stands for ‘ultimate beneficial owner’. This is…

Prayer service for peace in Ukraine

Starting at February 15th every day except Sundays, as long as the threat is imminent, at 4:45 PM a prayer service for peace in Ukraine will be held in the chapel for peace and reconciliation in the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam (on mondays at gebouw de Heuvel, Grote Kerkplein 5). You are warmly invited to pray…


(Update January 18, 2022) Vaccinate now! It is now very important for people to get vaccinated to fight the virus. Teenagers aged 12-18 can also be vaccinated. You can get vaccinated without an appointment again! Look here for more information and locations. We are dealing with the highly contagious Omicron variant of the Corona virus.…

Last news of 2021

New Year’s greeting of collaborating organisations This year, no New Year’s reception of the collaborating organisations Samen010, Mara and SKIN-Rotterdam, therefore a digital greeting that goes live on 31 December at midnight. You will receive an e-mail with the link.  The message contains a surprising announcement, so be sure to watch until the end! Men’s…

Annual Report 2020

Annual report 2020 2020, a special year for all of us. For the international churches, our staff and board and all our friends. The COVID-19 pandemic and all the measures taken since March 2020 have had a great impact on society, our collaborations and of course on our organisation. But despite the uncertainties, we can also…