Join the Walking Summer 2021

Because of corona, many people have been more than usual inside. Not only the loneliness, but also the fear of going outside and doing things has increased. Most elderly people have now been vaccinated. That is why Coalition Erbij Rotterdam and Sint Laurensfonds are starting the ‘Walking Summer 2021’. You can participate in your organization…

Worldchurch in 010 (Dutch)

Yes, I do know that there are “migrant churches”…’ In Rotterdam there are 200! Ever visited one of their services?’ No, never. ‘Do you know anyone who is a member?’ Eh…’ This is how it goes all too often. It’s not unwillingness or lack of interest, but you have your own church community or your…

Research Count Your Blessings 2.0

How are religious and philosophical organisations committed to Rotterdam society? What does this mean for Rotterdam and the people of Rotterdam? Research bureau Verwey Jonker has investigated this for the municipality of Rotterdam in close cooperation with SKIN-Rotterdam, SPIOR, Samen 010 Mara and the Convent of Churches. The research was inspired by the study ‘Count…

Statement participation in studies

SKIN-Rotterdam regularly is asked to participate in research regarding Christian migrant communities in the Netherlands. We think this research is very important, but we also see that many churches are in danger of becoming somewhat “research tired”. Therefore, a statement has been drawn up to ask researchers to take this into account. Bottom line of the…