Mayor receives report on impact corona

Our research into the impact of the corona pandemic and the reflection ‘International Churches in Times of Crisis’ is important information for municipalities for the cooperation between church and government. That is why we offered both publications to Mayor Liesbeth Spies of Alphen aan den Rijn. Liesbeth Spies is the chairman of the Dutch Society…

Presentation of report on impact corona to CIO

The corona pandemic has had a major impact on the international churches in Rotterdam. That is why SKIN-Rotterdam has had research carried out. This research was subsequently reflected upon by a group of pastors from international churches from Rotterdam. The report and reflection were presented to Mr Jaap Smit and Mr Eimert van Middelkoop of…

The impact of the coronapandemic on the church

The first infection occurred in February 2020 and the first measures were announced a month later: the coronavirus had also arrived in the Netherlands. SKIN-Rotterdam, a Christian organization that supports and connects international churches, has noted that during the two corona years the international churches have had to endure a lot, but that many beautiful…

Annual Report 2022

2022 was a year of building up and being able to meet again, shake hands and embrace. It felt good to see so many people alive again. The highlight of this was our 15th anniversary in the Laurenskerk on 9 July. A party with lively music and people who enjoyed it and cordial encounters. It’s…

Review Conference ‘Growing old is the future’

Wednesday, May 24, the results of our Vital & Prepared project were presented during the Conference ‘Growing old is the future’. We are proud of these results and the great turnout at this conference! The visitors were a mix of people from international churches, care, welfare, government and other voluntary organizations. The Vital & Prepared…

Review The MarketPlace 22 April 2023

The annual fair organized by SKIN-Rotterdam was a great success! With more than 30 exhibitors, 12 workshops, it was a day full of inspiration, information and surprises. On April 22, 2023, Hoornbeeck College Rotterdam was transformed into an exhibition floor of and for the International Churches in Rotterdam. A total of more than 300 visitors…

Prayer service for peace in Ukraine

Starting at February 15th every day except Sundays, as long as the threat is imminent, at 4:45 PM a prayer service for peace in Ukraine will be held in the chapel for peace and reconciliation in the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam (on mondays at gebouw de Heuvel, Grote Kerkplein 5). You are warmly invited to pray…


(Update January 18, 2022) Vaccinate now! It is now very important for people to get vaccinated to fight the virus. Teenagers aged 12-18 can also be vaccinated. You can get vaccinated without an appointment again! Look here for more information and locations. We are dealing with the highly contagious Omicron variant of the Corona virus.…