Yes, I do know that there are “migrant churches”…’
In Rotterdam there are 200! Ever visited one of their services?’
No, never.
‘Do you know anyone who is a member?’
This is how it goes all too often.
It’s not unwillingness or lack of interest, but you have your own church community
or your full agenda…
It only changes when you realise that there is something to discover.
Something that can enrich you. To quote the apostle Paul: ‘Together with all the saints you will understand the
understand the height and width, length and depth, yes you will know the love of Christ…’.
The journalist Maaike van Houten wrote a series of articles for the newspaper Trouw about international Christian communities.
We have collected them here for you. They are sharp observations
They are sharp observations, beautiful portraits, with fascinating stories about the meaning of the communities of faith
for the members. Testimonies of mutual involvement, attention, joy and blessing.
Being church as it is meant to be.
Look over Maaike’s shoulder and marvel at the work of God in this colourful collection of followers of Jesus.
collection of followers of Jesus. And let this be the beginning of a movement towards each other.
Because the real acquaintance takes place at eye level.
Then the heart is close.
Karin de Schipper-Visser
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