SKIN-Rotterdam has established the Emergency Fund Help Churches Help. You can apply now.


Has your church always been helping people in need? Is the need higher because of the current energy crisis? Do you not have enough resources to help these people?

The energy crisis and price increases for basic necessities are dealing hard blows. The government is taking measures, but many people are in acute need NOW.

SKIN-Rotterdam wants churches to help alleviate the acute need. This involves costs for food and hygiene supplies, diapers, and possibly clothing where churches cannot pay for it from their own resources. In addition, it may involve expenses incurred by the churches for help they can obtain from other sources and distribution to those in need.

With this emergency fund, SKIN-Rotterdam wants to help churches to help starting November 1. Churches affiliated with SKIN-Rotterdam can submit an application.

An amount of up to €3000 per church is available for this purpose. This can be used to distribute food or in the form of food parcels, food vouchers or other in-kind help. Churches that already receive food stamps from the Red Cross can only submit an additional request in consultation.

To apply, fill out the intake form with budget. A decision by an independent final evaluator will follow shortly.

The justification consists of a short report how many people were helped in what way and a financial justification with receipts or an overview of expenses. (see attachment)

Applications are processed in order of receipt. If the fund runs out of money, no more contributions can be made.



  • Only churches affiliated with SKIN-Rotterdam can apply.
  • Aid must be given in kind, no money may be given directly.
  • One contact person within the church is responsible for the proper handling of the aid given.
  • Expenditures must be justified to SKIN-Rotterdam within three months of receiving the contribution.
  • The justification consists of a short report on how many people have been helped and in what way, and a financial account with receipts or an overview of expenses.
  • Willingness to talk to SKIN-Rotterdam to help people take steps out of poverty.
  • Applications are processed in order of receipt. If the fund runs out of money, no more contributions can be given.
  • Churches that already receive food stamps from the Red Cross can only submit an additional application in consultation.


Read More  about the Funding 

 Application Form