The coalition Samen Kerk = Samen Sterk supported by Connecting Churches, Kerk in Actie and the Dutch Council of Churches organised a National week of prayer against the spread and consequences of the Corona crisis 1-7 November 2020.
As churches we want to take our responsibility and call on everyone to observe the RIVM measures. As Christians, we trust in God and know that He is bigger than the coronavirus and that He helps through our prayers. Our prayer is still necessary. So let us pray that the good will triumph and that we will do good. You can use the themes and prayers by different pastors and in different languages below to support your own prayers.
Government, ministers, mayors
- English: Bshp. Nana Opuku, Board SKIN-Rotterdam, Christian Family International, Rotterdam
- Dutch: Ds. Rhoinde Doth, Board SKIN, Evangelische Broeder Gemeente, Utrecht
- Spanish: Pst. Marcello Nsue Nchama and Pst. Jessica Maulen Orellana, El Encuentro con Dios, Rotterdam
Churches, church leadership and pastors
- English: Pst. Moses Alagbe, Maranatha Community Transformation Center Amsterdam
- Dutch: Ds. Rene de Reuver, Scriba synode Protestantse Kerk Nederland
- Dutch: Ds. Bernard Terlouw, Manager Zending & Diaconaat bij Kerk in Actie, Protestantse Kerk Nederland
- Chinese : Pst. Rick Wan, Chinese CAMA Gemeente, Amsterdam
Families and young people
- English: Pst. Kelvin Onyema, Life Word Christian Center, Utrecht
- Dutch: Pdt. N.B. (Burret) Olde, pastor and advisor of Jemaat PERKI Nederland, pastor in Protestantse Kerk Nederland
- Amharic: Pst. Tecleab Habte, SKIN board, Mahbere Kristian Kerk, Amsterdam
- Tigrinya: Prst Samsom Mael, Eritrees Orthodoxe Kerk, Rotterdam
People without jobs and affected entrepreneurs
- English: Pst. Raffic Osman, Treasures International Ministries, Amsterdam
- Dutch: Pst. Huub Flohr, Rooms Katholieke parochie St. Christoffel Capelle a/d IJssel
- French: Pst. Samuel Ndonga, Colonne de la Verite, Rotterdam
Sick and people who lost their loved ones to or during corona
- English: Rev. Joan Delsol Meade, Holland Methodist Church, Rotterdam, Amsterdam
- Dutch: Ds. Ge Drayer, Bestuur SOFAK, Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk
- Indonesian: Betty Tjipta Sari, Bestuur SOFAK
The city or village in which you live and the Netherlands
- English: Apst. Larry Dorkenoo, Rivers of Life Bible Church, Amsterdam
- English: Pst. Elias Agyemang, Christian Mission, Amsterdam, Den Haag
- Dutch: Ds. Rene van Loon, PKN de Samaritaan, Rotterdam
Anyone worldwide affected by the virus
- English: Pst. Felix Asare, Victory Outreach, Den Haag
- Dutch: Jan Wolsheimer, Directeur MissieNederland
- Myanmar: Cho Noh Noe, Myanmar Christian Fellowship, Utrecht