In 2023, a consortium of Schuldhulpmaatje, the Nederlandse Schuldhulp Route, Alliantie and Vrijwillige Schuldhulp joined forces for the project Samen er op Vooruit. This project will run only in 2023, and SKIN-Rotterdam joined as of Sept. 1. It involves working with volunteers who do a “pot check” with people and from there direct them to further help and strengthen the local network. SKIN-Rotterdam already has an extensive network around poverty issues in Rotterdam and works with various organizations. We find the approach very valuable, especially because it combines forces. It is an extra step in our efforts to help people in poverty. That is why we would like to continue the methodology in 2024 and 2025: Samen Verder Vooruit!
We want to help people with financial challenges who turn to international churches for help move forward structurally. The methodology is to give people insight into what they are entitled to with the potjescheck, agree appropriate follow-up steps on how they can get a grip on their situation and where necessary referral. We do this in the first year at 5 weekly drop-in centers connected to international churches throughout Rotterdam. There are trained volunteers at the drop-in points. They look together with people who are struggling to see if there are schemes – ‘pots’ – for them. People who need more support are referred to (financial) experts from welfare or partner organizations. Together we make sure that people get better. In the second year we want to expand this and apply the methodology with pop-up points at other international churches.
For more information contact Helma Hurkens,
The project is made possible by Gemeente Rotterdam.