Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 30 2023
- Time: 04:00 - 08:00
Diaconal Day
On behalf of SKIN Rotterdam and Samen 010, we would like to invite you to the diaconal day on September 30. The day lasts from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes lunch.
SKIN-Rotterdam represents the interests of the international churches in Rotterdam and the surrounding area. Samen 010 carries out social projects in Rotterdam and Capelle with churches and volunteers.
For whom?
The diaconal day is intended for all church members who are engaged in diaconal work in Rotterdam society. There are various workshops of the projects of Samen010 and SKIN-Rotterdam with the churches, for example on the themes of poverty and cooperation in the neighborhood. Location: Kerk van de Nazarener aan de Carnissesingel 240, 3084 NA Rotterdam (Zuid). For more information or if you would like to put your diaconal work in the spotlight, please contact karin@skinrotterdam.nl 06 81691670
09.45 hr Walk-in with coffee and tea
10.15 hr Opening and welcome
10.30 hr Start first round workshops
11.45 hr Pause and lunch
12.35 hr Second round workshops
13.50 hr Plenair roundup
14.00 hr End
Poverty – How do you help beyond emergency aid?
A workshop/conversation about how and what you as a church/deacon can do more than providing emergency aid. How do you bring up financial problems, how do you recognize poverty, what you can or cannot do as a church/deacon and what resources are available.
The aim is to exchange experiences, gain knowledge and go home/church with new information to work with.
Stewardship and sustainability
A workshop/conversation about possibilities adress this as a church or community member. Are you already working on it or could you still use inspiration? It’s applicable for making the church building more sustainable, but also your own household or by participating in the Energy Bank (good for your wallet!), or participating in World Clean Up Day around your church building.
Church nearby
Most churches are focused on their own congregation members, but also want to be of significance to the neighborhood. How to go about that? In this workshop you can gain inspiration from the practice of the projects Serve the City and Partners in the District. Churches jointly commit themselves to helping people in their neighborhood. Through collaboration, communities that are small or aging can each contribute in their own way. That is inspiring and connecting!
Attention is also paid to how these activities can be financed, own financing, fundraising, etc.
Register for the diaconal day HERE.
You can register for the workshops on the form and indicate any dietary requirements.
There are no costs associated with this diaconal day and lunch will be provided.